Benefits of pepino melon

Boosts immunity

Pepinos melons (Specialty Produce)


Pepino melon has vitamin C, A and beta carotene all which contribute to a good immune system. Beta carotene is turned into Vitamin A which boosts the immune system while vitamin C is known to strengthen immunity and prevent inflammation thus protecting your body from diseases and infections.

2. Lowers blood pressure

High blood pressure puts one at risk of heart diseases. Pepino is high in Potassium and low in Sodium thus helping with blood pressure regulation. The role of potassium is to lower blood pressure and ensuring Sodium levels are at the right standards.

3. Lowers cholesterol

Pepino has fiber (dilinks)


High levels of cholesterol exposes you to various diseases such as diabetes and heart diseases. Pepinos are high in fiber which binds LDL (bad cholesterol).

4. Regulates blood sugar

The fiber content in pepino melon helps in regulating blood sugar levels making it best for people living with diabetes.

5. Digestive

Pepino benefits (centralcoastgardening)


Whenever we talk of fiber, then digestion features. Pepino enhances digestion, prevents constipation and other digestion related problems.

6. Bone health

Like milk, pepinos also contain Calcium and Vitamin K which are good for the health of your bones. As one grows old, the body’s ability to absorb Calcium reduces but with Vitamin K, the bones remain healthy.

7. Powerhouse of antioxidants

They are super rich in antioxidants and we all know how important antioxidants are in terms of countering free radicals.
