Why you shouldn't eat too much sukuma wiki(kales)

Sukuma Wiki (Kales) are among the most popular vegetables in Kenya. Most households in the country consume the vegetables at least once per day. 

Although the vegetables come with various benefits, they are not 100 per cent free from side effects. Here are some of the unbelievable things that could happen if you eat too much Sukuma Wiki according to Good Health.com

1. Dry mouth and dehydration

Studies have proven that the vegetables are diuretic in nature. When eaten on a regular basis, the vegetables can lead to a number of side effects including dehydration. 

The condition occurs because of frequent urination.  The urine is meant to do away with toxins hence leads to loss of water. 

2. Stomach upsets

 Kales contain fibers. The fibers reduces chances of constipation. However, too much of the vegetables can lead to poor absorption, indigestion, intestinal bloating and intestinal gas accumulation among other issues over time.

3. Allergic reactions

Some people end up with allergic reactions for consuming too much kales. Kales contain minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. 

However, some people develop allergic reactions including running noses, itchiness in the throat, nausea and dizziness among other symptoms. It is, therefore, wise to eat kales in moderation.
