Why we should eat atleast two raw tomatoes daily

The advantages of tomatoes are endless. Here are some of the things that happen if you eat two tomatoes per day.

1. Tomatoes are ideal for the health of your heart.
Eating two tomatoes per day will make your heart stronger.
Studies have proven that tomatoes tend to
decrease your level of the hormone LDL cholesterol
as well as triglyceride.

2. Eating tomatoes also counter the effect cigarette has on your body.
Individuals who smoke more often tend to experience issues with the lungs and other body parts.
Tomatoes prevent extreme effects of cigarette smoking.
Persons who have been smoking for a very long time are advised to eat more tomatoes for the sake of their health.

3. Tomatoes contain Vitamin A. This helps improve a person's vision.
If you have been experiencing issues with your eyesight, then it is recommended you combine tomatoes with other foods for a better vision in the long run.
