Two things determine how your bedroom moments will be like; the state of your mind and the food you eat.
As a man, ensure you are relaxed enough to concentrate on the heat of the moment.
If you are relaxed and ready for a great moment, ensure you eat the following foods.
From cashew nuts to whichever nuts, make them your diet.
Nuts can boost your sexual stamina as they contain amino acid l arginine which is a building block of nitric oxide, a naturally occurring gas that helps men to maintain their erections.
Ox balls
Ox balls contain zinc, vitamin B, Iron and proteins which are essential in ensuring your libido is up to the game.
Many homes used to throw away the balls every time they slaughtered a bull, which is no longer the case.
Ensure you chew the balls or mabolingo in local slang.
I know you always wonder why Kisii men are loaded and are bedroom powerhouses.
Wonder no more, they were born and brought up in baskets full of ovacados.
The secret is the fat that is a source of energy!
Forget the thickness bruh, it is something else!
If you are a girl, before rushing home get into that candy shop and pick a packet of youghurt.
Buy two packets and hide them in your place. When he shows up, serve him the magic stuff!
Yoghurt too has zinc, the metal will make his shaft firm!